In Ireland, there are guidelines and regulations in place for the sampling and testing of water for Legionella bacteria. The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) is the national regulatory body responsible for the control of Legionella in Ireland. The HSA recommends that water systems in high-risk settings, including schools, be regularly tested for the presence of Legionella.

According to the HSA’s guidelines, the following water systems should be tested for Legionella:

  1. Hot and cold water systems in buildings where people are at increased risk of contracting Legionnaires’ disease, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and schools.
  2. Cooling towers and evaporative condensers.
  3. Spas and hot tubs.
  4. Decorative fountains.
  5. Industrial water systems, such as those used in manufacturing processes.

To collect a sample for testing, a trained professional will use a sterile container to collect water from the relevant system. The sample should then be sent to a laboratory for analysis to determine whether Legionella bacteria are present. If the test is positive for Legionella, appropriate measures should be taken to control and eliminate the bacteria from the water system.

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